Dental Place is located in Los Algodones, Mexico, across the border from Yuma, Arizona. The clinic aims to be a place of trust and inspiration for international patients seeking low-cost, high-quality care in a safe and friendly environment.
Dental Place Clinic is located in Los Algodones, Mexico, across the border from Yuma, Arizona. The clinic aims to be a place of trust and inspiration for international patients seeking low-cost, high-quality care in a safe and friendly environment.
Staff and doctors at Dental Place are qualified to answer any questions that patients might have in either English or Spanish, meaning those traveling from the US, Canada or even as far as the UK won’t face any communication barriers.’
Dental Place’s objective is to take care of your smile; their experienced team is constantly seeking ways to improve the way in which they practice while also maintaining the quality of their services as well as keeping prices highly competitive for the area.
Emphasis is placed on the importance of providing treatment that enables patients to not only return home from Mexico with better overall oral health, but also with improved knowledge about how to adapt their lifestyle so as to keep their smiles healthy.
This modern clinic features state-of-the-art technology and instrumentation that allow the team to meet all of your dental needs, using world-renowned brands and following the highest international standards when it comes to sterilization, hygiene and safe practices.
Dental Place offers the following services:
- General dentistry
- Preventative procedures
- Root canal therapy
- Dentures
- Crowns
- Veneers
- Teeth whitening
- Single dental implants
- Complete mouth rehabilitation using four or more implants
- Smile design
- Diagnostics
- Laser dentistry
- Inlays/onlays
And to make your dental trip to Mexico’s “Molar City” even more affordable, Dental Place also offers a range of additional services at no extra cost, such as free dental exams and x-rays, wifi, onsite parking, transportation to your hotel or to Yuma International Airport, international phone calls and discounts on medication from a reputable neighborhood drugstore.
How to Schedule an Appointment?
For appointment-booking purposes, please contact our Customer Care Team via chat, e-mail or phone. One of the Dental Departures’ representatives will provide you with information about the treatment options available at Dental Place in Los Algodones. We are available 24/7 to assist you and there’s never a charge for our services.
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
All-on-4-Implantate mit fester Acryl-Brücke | USD 7,150 USD 20,533 | |
All-on-5-Implantate mit fester Acryl-Brücke | USD 7,750 | |
All-on-6-Implantate mit fester Acryl-Brücke | USD 8,300 USD 30,000 | |
All-on-6-Implantate mit fester Porzellanbrücke | USD 8,900 | |
Einrastbarer Zahnersatz auf 4 Implantaten | USD 5,000 | |
Einrastbarer Zahnersatz auf 6 Implantaten | USD 7,000 | |
Implantatgetragene Porzellanbrücke, Vollbogen (mit 6 Implantaten) | USD 9,600 USD 28,000 | |
Implantatgetragene Porzellanbrücke, Vollbogen (mit 8 Implantaten) | USD 11,800 USD 32,000 | |
Knochenersatzmaterial (groß) | USD 350 USD 2,000 | |
Knochenersatzmaterial (klein) | USD 200 USD 1,500 | |
Mini-Implantat | USD 600 USD 1,100 | |
Porzellan-Metall-Krone auf Implantat (einschließlich Abutment) | USD 350 | |
Sinuslift | USD 800 - USD 1,000 USD 4,000 | |
Standard-Zahnimplantat aus Titan (nur Implantat) | USD 700 USD 2,200 | |
Zahnimplantat aus Titan (einschließlich Abutment und Standardkrone) | USD 1,050 USD 3,900 | |
Zirkonium-Krone auf Implantat (einschließlich Abutment) | USD 500 - USD 700 |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Komposit-Veneer (direkte Verklebung) | USD 280 USD 250 | 1 day |
Porzellan mit Goldkrone verschmolzen | USD 600 - USD 800 USD 1,600 | |
Porzellan mit Metallkrone verschmolzen (Standardlegierung) | USD 160 - USD 200 USD 1,000 | |
Porzellan-Veneer | USD 345 - USD 375 USD 1,486 | 2 days |
Temporäre Krone/Veneer | USD 50 USD 150 | 1 day |
Vollporzellan/Keramik-Krone | USD 340 USD 1,050 | |
Zirkonium-Krone | USD 300 - USD 375 USD 1,600 | 2 days |
Zirkonium-Veneer | USD 450 USD 1,400 | 2 days |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Provisorische Teil- oder Flipperprothese | USD 150 USD 450 | 1 day |
Provisorische Teil- oder Flipperprothese (externes Labor) | USD 120 - USD 150 | |
Provisorische Teil- oder Flipperprothese (internesLabor) | USD 120 - USD 150 | |
Teilprothese, Acryl-Rahmen | USD 330 - USD 380 USD 1,200 | 2 days |
Teilprothese, flexibler Rahmen | USD 350 - USD 400 USD 1,400 | |
Teilprothese, Metallrahmen | USD 500 - USD 600 USD 1,300 | |
Vollprothese aus Metall (oben oder unten) | USD 220 - USD 240 | |
Vollprothese, Acryl-Zähne (oben oder unten) | USD 350 USD 1,800 | 2 days |
Vollprothese, Porzellanzähne (oben oder unten) | USD 300 - USD 350 USD 2,200 | 2 days |
Vollprothese, Sofortprothese oder Einheilung (oben oder unten) | USD 200 - USD 250 USD 1,500 | 2 days |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (Backenzahn) | USD 250 USD 1,350 | 1 - 2 days |
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (beliebiger Zahn) | USD 250 USD 1,188 | 1 - 2 days |
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (einschließlich Wurzelstift und Standardkrone) | USD 600 - USD 650 USD 10,440 | 3 days |
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (Frontzahn) | USD 250 USD 800 | 1 - 2 days |
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (vorderer Backenzahn) | USD 250 USD 1,150 | 1 - 2 days |
Wurzelstiftaufbau | USD 80 USD 400 | 1 day |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Extraktion (chirurgisch oder impaktiert) | USD 150 - USD 200 USD 563 | 1 day |
Extraktion (einfach) | USD 60 USD 175 | 1 day |
Extraktion (Weisheitszahn) | USD 100 - USD 200 | 1 day |
Komposit-Füllung (2 Oberflächen) | USD 40 - USD 60 USD 150 | 1 day |
Komposit-Füllung (3 Oberflächen) | USD 40 - USD 60 USD 170 | 1 day |
Regelmäßige Zahnreinigung | USD 15 - USD 25 USD 127 | 1 day |
Tiefenreinigung, Zahnsteinentfernung und Wurzelglättung (pro Quadrant) | USD 70 - USD 100 USD 200 | 1 day |
Zahnaufhellung | USD 100 - USD 130 | 1 day |
Zahnaufhellung, Kit zum Mitnehmen | USD 80 USD 275 | 1 day |
Zahninlay | USD 170 - USD 290 USD 900 |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
CT-Scan/3D-Röntgen | USD 150 USD 500 | 1 day |
Panorama-Röntgen | USD 65 USD 140 | 1 day |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Beißschutz (Hartplastik) | USD 100 USD 750 | 1 day |
Beißschutz (Weichplastik) | USD 100 USD 600 | 1 day |
Extraktion (Milchzahn) | USD 50 | |
Gingivaplastik | USD 200 - USD 800 | 2 days |
Gingivektomie | USD 200 - USD 600 | |
IV Sedierung (durch Anästhesist) | USD 500 - USD 800 USD 2,500 | 1 day |
Kunstharz-Komposit-Füllung (Milchzahn) | USD 50 | 1 day |
Prophylaxe | USD 25 | |
Pulpotomie / Pulpektomie | USD 130 - USD 180 | |
Vorbeugende Harzrestauration (P.R.R.) | USD 50 | 1 day |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Halterungen | USD 100 - USD 150 | |
Konventionelle Zahnspangen | USD 1,800 |