Über Egressy Dental

Egressy Dental is ideally located close to the centre of Budapest, Hungary, welcoming patients from across Europe and the world seeking more affordable treatment performed by experienced, highly-qualified dental specialists.

With more than 20 years of experience, Egressy Dental has become one of the most popular, well-known dental clinics in this part of Budapest–one of the world’s most popular destinations for low-cost dentistry.

Egressy’s in-house dental laboratory allows the team to quickly ands accurately provide a wide range of dental restorations, including both fixed and removable implant-supported prosthetics, such as crowns, veneers and full-arch bridges–helping patients attain a brand new, healthy and fully-functional smile.

If you don’t want to compromise on quality but are searching for a more affordable solution abroad–without the long waiting lists at dentists in the UK and elsewhere–Egressy Dental is ready to make the smile of your dreams come true.

Treatments at Egressy Dental

Using innovative techniques, this state-of-the-art dental clinic offers services encompassing general and conservative dentistry, dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, paediatric dentistry, oral surgery and orthodontics– all in one place.

Popular treatments offered:

- Teeth whitening

- Root canal therapy

- Veneers

- Crowns (including crown on implant)

- Implant-supported porcelain bridge (full arch with 4 implants)

- Inlays/onlays

- Full dentures (porcelain teeth)

- Fillings

- Bone grafting

Why Choose Egressy in Budapest?

-- English-speaking dentists and patient coordinators

-- Flexible hours to fit your schedule

-- Fully qualified, highly experienced medical team

-- Quality control in our dental lab and dental clinic

-- Strictly controlled sterilisation infection control protocols

-- Brand new, state-of-the-art dental practice with the latest technology equipment

-- Clinic is located in a friendly, quiet area of town

How to Schedule Your Next Appointment

Connect with the Dental Departures Customer Care Team and get a free, personalised quote for your treatment at Egressy Dental in Budapest. Our representatives can help you plan your money-saving trip to Hungary, with no upfront or hidden costs when booking through our trusted platform.

Preise und Verfahren

1. Implantat-Verfahren
Implantatgetragene Porzellanbrücke, Vollbogen (mit 4 Implantaten)
USD 5,201 - USD 6,068 USD 24,000
Knochenersatzmaterial (groß)
USD 433 USD 2,000
1 - 2 days
Knochenersatzmaterial (klein)
USD 163 USD 1,500
1 - 2 days
Standard-Implantat-Krone (einschließlich Abutment)
USD 515 USD 3,850
Standard-Zahnimplantat aus Titan (nur Implantat)
USD 650 USD 2,200
Zirkonium-Krone auf Implantat (einschließlich Abutment)
USD 406
2. Kategorie: Kronen/Veneers (Zahnverblendung) (9 Verfahren)
Komposit-Veneer (direkte Verklebung)
USD 271 USD 250
1 day
Porzellan mit Metallkrone verschmolzen (Edelmetalllegierung)
USD 282 USD 1,300
3 - 5 days
USD 433 USD 1,486
2 - 4 days
Temporäre Krone/Veneer
USD 54 - USD 65 USD 150
3 - 5 days
USD 455 USD 1,050
3 - 5 days
USD 390 USD 1,600
3 - 5 days
3. Zahnprothese
Vollprothese aus Metall (oben oder unten)
USD 704
5 - 7 days
Vollprothese, Acryl-Zähne (oben oder unten)
USD 650 USD 1,800
5 - 7 days
Vollprothese, Porzellanzähne (oben oder unten)
USD 921 - USD 1,084 USD 2,200
5 - 7 days
Vollprothese, Sofortprothese oder Einheilung (oben oder unten)
USD 704 USD 1,500
5 - 7 days
4. Wurzelkanalbehandlung
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (beliebiger Zahn)
USD 87 USD 1,188
1 - 3 days
USD 238 USD 400
1 day
Extraktion (chirurgisch oder impaktiert)
USD 130 USD 563
1 day
Extraktion (einfach)
USD 98 USD 175
1 day
Extraktion (Weisheitszahn)
USD 173
1 day
Komposit-Füllung (2 Oberflächen)
USD 98 - USD 119 USD 150
1 day
Komposit-Füllung (3 Oberflächen)
USD 119 - USD 141 USD 170
1 day
USD 412 USD 496
1 day
Regelmäßige Zahnreinigung
USD 76 USD 127
1 day
Tiefenreinigung, Zahnsteinentfernung und Wurzelglättung (pro Quadrant)
USD 173 USD 200
1 day
USD 217 - USD 390
1 day
Zahnaufhellung, Kit zum Mitnehmen
USD 260 USD 275
1 day
USD 282 - USD 412 USD 900
1 day
6. Diagnostik
USD 130 USD 500
1 day
Einzel-Röntgen (Bissflügel oder periapikal)
USD 16 USD 35
1 day
Erste Untersuchung/Konsultation
USD 65 USD 180
1 day
USD 33 USD 140
1 day
Sparen Sie 70 % bei Ihrem neuen Lächeln