Emerald Dental Clinic,based in Tirana, Albania, was established to provide essential and elective oral treatments in a modern, professional setting for both local and international patients.
Those booking an appointment at this reputable clinic can expect high-quality, reasonably priced services at Emerald Dental Clinic with the experienced team–led by oral and maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Loreta Qemali. Staff uses the latest techniques and technologies, with a team of highly qualified professionals specialising in their respective fields.
As an experienced clinic in treating those from Albania, the UK, Germany, Italy and other European nations, Emerald Dental welcomes approximately 1,000 patients every year, who seek a range of treatments in the fields of dentistry and aesthetic treatments.
As an increasingly popular destination for dental treatments, Emerald Denta–also known as “Klinike Dentare Emerald Dental”–helps both children and adults achieve the perfect smile, with safe and effective techniques.
Treatments include work to restore the look and function of smiles with the latest All-on-4/6 dental implant systems, as well as crowns, veneers and custom-made overdentures.
Dentists at Emerald Dental Clinic
The clinic works with specialists, qualified in different areas, holding a range of internationally recognized qualifications affiliated with Mother Teresa Hospital (UHC).
The team is led by Dr. Loreta Qemali, an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Resident at UHC Mother Teresa, Tirane from 2019 - the present. She graduated with an Integrated Master of Science Degree in Dentistry from Tirana University in 2003 and has gone on to complete training in implant and oral surgery at Salus Hospital.
She works alongside Dr. Anisa Xhetani, an English-, Italian-, and Albanian-speaking dental surgeon (DMD, MSc) who graduated from the University of Tirana’s Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Department of Dentistry, as well as Dr. Henrieda Malo, an orthodontics specialist and graduate of Università Degli Studi Dell'Aquila (Italy).
Treatments Available at Emerald Dental Clinic
Emerald Dental Clinic offers a range of medical services and cosmetic procedures, including:
- Zirconia/e.max ceramic crowns
- Full and partial fixed bridges
- Dental appliances to straighten your teeth
- Oral surgery
- Dental implants
- Prosthetics
- Hollywood Smile
- Pediatric dentistry
- Fillers
- Botox
Location of Emerald Dental Clinic in Tirana
Emerald Dental Clinic is located at the centre of the iconic city of Tirana, close to good transportation links, hotels, fine dining and amenities–ideally suited for patients as well as loved ones who may join them on their trip to Albania.
Situated on a main road leading into the centre of Tirana, the Albanian capital, the clinic is 20 minutes from the airport and just over 30 minutes to the nearest port city of Durres in western Albania, with a number of popular resort towns dotted around the country’s impressive Adriatic coastline nearby.
How to Schedule an Appointment
Connect with the Dental Departures Customer Care Team and get a free, personalised quote for your treatment at Emerald Dental Clinic. Our representatives can help you plan your money-saving trip to Tirana in Albania, with no upfront or hidden costs when booking through our trusted platform.
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
All-on-4-Implantate mit fester Acryl-Brücke | SGD 4,629 - SGD 5,063 SGD 27,409 | 5 days |
All-on-4-zygomatische Implantate, Vollbogen, feste Brücke | SGD 4,629 - SGD 5,063 SGD 42,716 | 5 days |
All-on-6-Implantate mit fester Acryl-Brücke | SGD 5,641 - SGD 5,786 SGD 40,046 | 5 days |
All-on-6-Implantate mit fester Porzellanbrücke | SGD 6,509 - SGD 6,943 | 5 days |
Einrastbarer Zahnersatz auf 4 Implantaten | SGD 3,906 - SGD 4,195 | 5 days |
Einrastbarer Zahnersatz auf 6 Implantaten | SGD 5,352 - SGD 5,641 | 5 days |
Implantatgetragene Deckprothese, herausnehmbar (mit 2 Implantaten) | SGD 1,880 - SGD 2,025 SGD 9,211 | 5 days |
Implantatgetragene Deckprothese, herausnehmbar (mit 4 Implantaten) | SGD 3,616 - SGD 3,906 SGD 16,419 | 5 days |
Implantatgetragene Deckprothese, herausnehmbar (mit 6 Implantaten) | SGD 5,063 - SGD 5,352 SGD 23,627 | 5 days |
Implantatgetragene Deckprothese, herausnehmbar (mit 8 Implantaten) | SGD 6,509 - SGD 6,799 SGD 30,702 | 5 days |
Implantatgetragene Porzellanbrücke, Vollbogen (mit 4 Implantaten) | SGD 4,629 - SGD 5,063 SGD 32,037 | 5 days |
Implantatgetragene Porzellanbrücke, Vollbogen (mit 6 Implantaten) | SGD 6,075 - SGD 6,509 SGD 37,377 | 5 days |
Implantatgetragene Porzellanbrücke, Vollbogen (mit 8 Implantaten) | SGD 7,232 - SGD 7,956 SGD 42,716 | 5 days |
Knochenersatzmaterial (groß) | SGD 506 - SGD 723 SGD 2,670 | 1 day |
Knochenersatzmaterial (klein) | SGD 217 - SGD 434 SGD 2,002 | 1 day |
Mini-Implantat | SGD 217 - SGD 289 SGD 1,468 | 1 day |
Porzellan-Metall-Krone auf Implantat (einschließlich Abutment) | SGD 188 - SGD 217 | 5 days |
Sinuslift | SGD 434 - SGD 868 SGD 5,340 | 1 day |
Standard-Implantat-Krone (einschließlich Abutment) | SGD 723 SGD 5,139 | 5 days |
Standard-Zahnimplantat aus Titan (nur Implantat) | SGD 723 - SGD 1,302 SGD 2,937 | 1 day |
Zahnimplantat aus Titan (einschließlich Abutment und Standardkrone) | SGD 1,013 - SGD 1,446 SGD 5,206 | 5 days |
Zahnimplantat aus Zirkonium (metallfrei) | SGD 434 - SGD 506 SGD 4,672 | 5 days |
Zirkonium-Krone auf Implantat (einschließlich Abutment) | SGD 318 - SGD 362 | 5 days |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Komposit-Veneer (direkte Verklebung) | SGD 145 - SGD 174 SGD 334 | 1 day |
Porzellan mit Goldkrone verschmolzen | SGD 362 - SGD 506 SGD 2,136 | 4 days |
Porzellan mit Metallkrone verschmolzen (Standardlegierung) | SGD 145 - SGD 174 SGD 1,335 | 4 days |
Porzellan-Veneer | SGD 362 SGD 1,983 | 5 days |
Temporäre Krone/Veneer | SGD 36 - SGD 43 SGD 200 | 2 days |
Vollporzellan/Keramik-Krone | SGD 145 - SGD 217 SGD 1,402 | 4 days |
Zirkonium-Krone | SGD 289 - SGD 362 SGD 2,136 | 5 days |
Zirkonium-Veneer | SGD 434 - SGD 506 SGD 1,869 | 7 days |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Provisorische Platte | SGD 289 - SGD 506 | 3 days |
Provisorische Teil- oder Flipperprothese | SGD 217 - SGD 289 SGD 601 | 3 days |
Provisorische Teil- oder Flipperprothese (externes Labor) | SGD 36 - SGD 43 | 3 days |
Provisorische Teil- oder Flipperprothese (internesLabor) | SGD 29 - SGD 36 | 2 days |
Teilprothese, Acryl-Rahmen | SGD 174 - SGD 217 SGD 1,602 | 3 days |
Teilprothese, flexibler Rahmen | SGD 362 - SGD 434 SGD 1,869 | 3 days |
Vollprothese, Acryl-Zähne (oben oder unten) | SGD 145 - SGD 362 SGD 2,403 | 3 days |
Vollprothese, Sofortprothese oder Einheilung (oben oder unten) | SGD 217 - SGD 289 SGD 2,002 | 3 days |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (Backenzahn) | SGD 58 - SGD 72 SGD 1,802 | 3 days |
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (beliebiger Zahn) | SGD 29 - SGD 72 SGD 1,585 | 1 day |
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (einschließlich Wurzelstift und Standardkrone) | SGD 246 - SGD 289 SGD 13,936 | 5 days |
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (Frontzahn) | SGD 29 SGD 1,068 | 1 day |
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (vorderer Backenzahn) | SGD 43 - SGD 58 SGD 1,535 | 2 days |
Wurzelstiftaufbau | SGD 101 - SGD 130 SGD 534 | 1 day |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Extraktion (chirurgisch oder impaktiert) | SGD 72 - SGD 217 SGD 751 | 1 day |
Extraktion (einfach) | SGD 29 - SGD 43 SGD 234 | 1 day |
Extraktion (Weisheitszahn) | SGD 43 - SGD 130 | 1 day |
Komposit-Füllung | SGD 29 - SGD 101 SGD 269 | 1 day |
Laser-Zahnaufhellung | SGD 174 SGD 662 | 1 day |
Regelmäßige Zahnreinigung | SGD 43 SGD 169 | 1 day |
Tiefenreinigung, Zahnsteinentfernung und Wurzelglättung (pro Quadrant) | SGD 22 - SGD 43 SGD 267 | 1 day |
Zahnaufhellung | SGD 116 - SGD 174 | 1 day |
Zahninlay | SGD 130 - SGD 174 SGD 1,201 | 1 day |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
CT-Scan/3D-Röntgen | SGD 116 SGD 667 | 1 day |
Panorama-Röntgen | SGD 43 SGD 187 | 1 day |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Anwendung von Fluorid | SGD 43 - SGD 72 | 1 day |
Beißschutz (Hartplastik) | SGD 145 - SGD 174 SGD 1,001 | 3 days |
Beißschutz (Weichplastik) | SGD 58 - SGD 87 SGD 801 | 3 days |
Extraktion (Milchzahn) | SGD 7 - SGD 14 | 1 day |
Frenektomie | SGD 174 | 1 day |
Gingivaplastik | SGD 174 | 1 day |
Gingivektomie | SGD 174 | 1 day |
Kunstharz-Komposit-Füllung (Milchzahn) | SGD 43 | 1 day |
Lokalanästhesie | SGD 7 - SGD 14 SGD 67 | 1 day |
Lückenhalter | SGD 145 - SGD 217 | 3 days |
Pulpotomie / Pulpektomie | SGD 58 - SGD 72 | 1 day |
VersiegelungAdditional NotesPrice per molar | SGD 43 | 1 day |
Verfahren | Preis | Dauer |
Halterungen | SGD 43 - SGD 58 | 2 days |
Invisalign® Vollständiger Fall | SGD 2,170 - SGD 2,604 | |
Klammern entfernen | SGD 2,025 - SGD 2,314 | |
Konventionelle Zahnspangen | SGD 145 - SGD 1,157 | |
Metall-Spange | SGD 1,736 - SGD 1,880 | |
Schiene | SGD 174 - SGD 188 | 2 days |
Zahnsteinentfernung | SGD 43 - SGD 58 | 1 day |