Über Eudent Implant & Surgery

Eudent Implant & Surgery, located in the Western Hungarian border city of Gyor, offers a comprehensive range of affordable dental care, including aesthetic procedures, crowns, teeth whitening and tailor-made implant restorations—with an onsite dental laboratory for creating prosthetics of all kinds.

Since no two smiles are the same, Eudent Clinic offers personalised treatment plans at low prices for international patients visiting from across Europe and the UK. They have served thousands of patents for more than 60 years, over several generations, and began placing dental implants 25 years ago.

As part of their restoration treatments, the team of specialists at Eudent uses the latest technology and reputable brands imported from America, Switzerland, and Germany, including permanent full-arch fixed bridges, helping patients smile again with confidence without the need for dentures. 

Dental Team

Heading the team is Manager and Chief Physician Dr. József Szőcs, who graduated as a dental surgeon from the University of Szeged’s Faculty of Dentistry back in 1984. Having completed part of his training in the USA, this implantology specialist is also a lecturer at Semmelweis University. 

He works alongside a team of several other dentists, including Dr. András Szőcs, a prosthetic and aesthetic dentistry expert. Specialists here speak several languages and are members of the Hungarian Medical Chamber.

The modern clinic also offers comfortable waiting rooms, English-speaking staff and free wifi. Guarantees on all dental work give you that extra peace of mind when visiting Hungary for your treatment.

And thanks to their in-house dental laboratory, patients need to wait only a few hours for their temporary crowns or bridges; as they promise, no patient will be left without a tooth for a day!

Popular treatments available at Eudent Implant & Surgery are listed below:

- Porcelain crowns and bridges

- Zirconia crowns

- Porcelain veneers

- Hollywood smile design with “no-prep” veneers

- Teeth whitening (ZOOM!®)

- Root canal treatment

- Dental implant with abutment and crown (single tooth replacement)

- Full-arch restoration (fixed bridge) on multiple implants

- Removable dentures

- Orthodontics

- Tartar removal

- Fillings

How Do I Book?

For the best prices online (guaranteed), 24-hour customer support and no upfront charges, make sure you book your free appointment at Eudent Implant & Surgery through Dental Departures.

Arrange your date with the dentist in Hungary directly through our site or connect with our Customer Care Team, with contact options displayed below:

Preise und Verfahren

1. Implantat-Verfahren
All-on-4-Implantate mit fester Acryl-Brücke
USD 8,157 USD 20,533
All-on-6-Implantate mit fester Acryl-Brücke
USD 9,244 USD 30,000
Implantatgetragene Deckprothese, herausnehmbar (mit 4 Implantaten)
USD 4,350 USD 12,300
Implantatgetragene Deckprothese, herausnehmbar (mit 6 Implantaten)
USD 6,308 USD 17,700
USD 598 USD 1,100
1 - 5 days
Porzellan-Metall-Krone auf Implantat (einschließlich Abutment)
USD 348
Standard-Zahnimplantat aus Titan (nur Implantat)
USD 653 - USD 707 USD 2,200
Zahnimplantat aus Titan (einschließlich Abutment und Standardkrone)
USD 1,359
Zirkonium-Krone auf Implantat (einschließlich Abutment)
USD 1,523
2. Kategorie: Kronen/Veneers (Zahnverblendung) (9 Verfahren)
Komposit-Veneer (direkte Verklebung)
USD 152 - USD 196 USD 250
1 day
Porzellan mit Metallkrone verschmolzen (Edelmetalllegierung)
USD 261 - USD 272 USD 1,300
Porzellan mit Metallkrone verschmolzen (Standardlegierung)
USD 315 USD 1,000
3 - 5 days
Temporäre Krone/Veneer
USD 33 - USD 65 USD 150
3 - 5 days
USD 305 - USD 321 USD 1,600
3 - 5 days
USD 315 USD 1,400
2 - 4 days
3. Zahnprothese
Provisorische Platte
USD 435
5 - 7 days
Provisorische Teil- oder Flipperprothese (internesLabor)
USD 979
1 day
Teilprothese, Metallrahmen
USD 816 USD 1,300
5 - 7 days
Vollprothese aus Metall (oben oder unten)
USD 609 - USD 707
5 - 7 days
Vollprothese, Acryl-Zähne (oben oder unten)
USD 500 USD 1,800
5 - 7 days
Vollprothese, Porzellanzähne (oben oder unten)
USD 957 - USD 1,044 USD 2,200
5 - 7 days
Vollprothese, Sofortprothese oder Einheilung (oben oder unten)
USD 424 USD 1,500
5 - 7 days
4. Wurzelkanalbehandlung
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (Backenzahn)
USD 272 USD 1,350
1 - 3 days
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (beliebiger Zahn)
USD 326 USD 1,188
1 - 3 days
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (einschließlich Wurzelstift und Standardkrone)
USD 696 USD 10,440
1 - 3 days
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (Frontzahn)
USD 196 USD 800
1 - 3 days
Wurzelkanalbehandlung (vorderer Backenzahn)
USD 239 USD 1,150
1 - 3 days
USD 98 - USD 131 USD 400
1 day
Extraktion (chirurgisch oder impaktiert)
USD 131 - USD 152 USD 563
1 day
Extraktion (einfach)
USD 65 - USD 87 USD 175
1 day
USD 76 - USD 109 USD 202
1 day
USD 413 - USD 479 USD 496
1 day
Regelmäßige Zahnreinigung
USD 65 - USD 87 USD 127
1 day
Tiefenreinigung, Zahnsteinentfernung und Wurzelglättung (pro Quadrant)
USD 87 USD 200
1 day
Zahnaufhellung, Kit zum Mitnehmen
USD 87 USD 275
1 - 2 days
6. Diagnostik
USD 98 USD 500
1 day
Einzel-Röntgen (Bissflügel oder periapikal)
USD 22 USD 35
1 day
USD 44 USD 140
1 day
7. Andere Verfahren
Beißschutz (Hartplastik)
USD 120 USD 750
1 - 2 days
Beißschutz (Weichplastik)
USD 141 USD 600
1 - 2 days
8. Kieferorthopädie
Invisalign® Lite
USD 1,305 - USD 6,308
Sparen Sie 70 % bei Ihrem neuen Lächeln