Acerca de Cosmetic Dental Care Tijuana

Cosmetic Dental Care, Tijuana is one of Mexico’s leading dental clinics offering the best in cosmetic dentistry at affordable prices.

Cosmetic Dental Care, Tijuana’s leading dental clinic offers the best cosmetic dentistry services in Mexico. This makes it a popular clinic for dental tourists from across North America.

Cosmetic Dental Care defines its top priority as delivering the best quality dental service utilizing leading-edge dental technology as well as biocompatible materials. This enables them to promise the best cosmetic and restorative services to all its patients, many of which come down here from the US and even Canada.

Dental Team

Cosmetic Dental Care clinic is headed by Dr. Beltran who has worked relentlessly over the past decade in biodentistry and holistic dentistry offering the best cosmetic dental services in Tijuana. With an excellent education under his belt, he has received advanced training in cosmetic and restorative biodentistry and has continued his specialized education in the US.

Dr. Beltran strives to offer the highest quality cosmetic dental services to his patients. He does that by complementing his skills and state-of-the-art facilities with the best biocompatible dental materials and a relaxing environment.

The clinic understands the importance of making you feel as comfortable as possible as you travel for dental tourism.

Additionally, Dr. Beltran is supported by the most experienced team of specialists, skilled in oral surgery, implants, periodontics, and orthodontics. Here you don’t just receive the best dental procedure, but also enjoy a comfortable and safe experience.

Whether it’s the use of purified water for all our procedures or following USA’s OSHA guidelines on sterilization and disinfection, everything at this clinic is done at a level you would expect from the best clinic at a dental clinic back home. The only real difference is the difference in cost.

Rest assured that the lower prices are not indicative of lower quality. In Mexico, it costs much less to run a dental practice than it does in the US or Canada. This is what keeps the prices low, attracting numerous dental tourists from across North America.

Popular services offered at Cosmetic Dental Care Tijuana are:

- Holistic Biodentistry

- Dental Implants

- Porcelain Veneers

- Teeth Whitening

- Mercury fillings removal

- Oral Surgery

- Inlays

- Zirconia Crowns

- Sedation Dentistry

- Oral Rehabilitation

Clinic hours on weekdays are 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. If you would like to visit on a weekend, you can schedule an appointment prior to your visit.

How to Book?

Arrange your free appointment today at Cosmetic Dental Care by getting in touch with Dental Departures; feel free to ask one of our representatives how else we can help with your money-saving dental trip to Tijuana, Mexico.

Precios y Tratamientos

1. Procedimientos de Implante
Sobre dentadura Soportada por Implantes, extraíble (con 2 implantes)
SGD 4,000 - SGD 4,667 SGD 9,200
Sobre dentadura Soportada por Implantes, extraíble (con 4 implantes)
SGD 8,000 - SGD 9,334 SGD 16,401
Sobre dentadura Soportada por Implantes, extraíble (con 6 implantes)
SGD 12,001 - SGD 12,667 SGD 23,601
Sobre dentadura Soportada por Implantes, extraíble (con 8 implantes)
SGD 13,601 - SGD 14,667 SGD 30,668
2. Coronas/Carillas
Carilla de Composite (adhesión directa)
SGD 267 - SGD 400 SGD 333
1 - 2 days
Carilla de Porcelana
SGD 600 - SGD 667 SGD 1,981
2 - 4 days
Corona Completa de Porcelana / Cerámica
SGD 600 - SGD 667 SGD 1,400
2 - 5 days
Corona de Porcelana Fundida sobre Metal (aleación estándar)
SGD 333 - SGD 400 SGD 1,333
2 - 5 days
Corona de Porcelana Fundida sobre Metal (aleación preciosa)
SGD 400 - SGD 533 SGD 1,733
2 - 5 days
Corona de Zirconio
SGD 600 - SGD 733 SGD 2,133
2 - 5 days
Corona/Carilla Temporal
SGD 67 - SGD 80 SGD 200
1 day
3. Dentadura Postiza
Dentadura Completa, Dientes de Acrílico (superior o inferior)
SGD 1,333 - SGD 1,600 SGD 2,400
3 - 5 days
Dentadura Completa, Dientes de Porcelana (superior o inferior)
SGD 2,667 - SGD 2,933 SGD 2,933
3 - 5 days
Dentadura Completa, Inmediata o Temporal (superior o inferior)
SGD 800 - SGD 933 SGD 2,000
3 - 5 days
Dentadura Parcial, Marco Acrílico
SGD 533 - SGD 667 SGD 1,600
4 - 5 days
Dentadura Parcial, Marco de Metal
SGD 533 - SGD 667 SGD 1,733
4 - 5 days
Dentadura Parcial, Marco Flexible
SGD 800 - SGD 933 SGD 1,867
4 - 5 days
Dentadura Temporal Parcial o Flipper
SGD 267 - SGD 400 SGD 600
1 day
4. Endodoncia
Endodoncia (diente anterior)
SGD 240 SGD 1,067
1 - 3 days
Endodoncia (molar)
SGD 293 SGD 1,800
1 - 3 days
Endodoncia (premolar)
SGD 240 - SGD 267 SGD 1,533
1 - 3 days
SGD 133 - SGD 200 SGD 533
1 day
Tratamiento de Endodoncia (incluye poste y corona estándard)
SGD 733 - SGD 800 SGD 2,933
3 days
5. Blanqueamiento, Limpieza, Relleno y Extracción
Blanqueamiento Dental Láser
SGD 267 - SGD 333 SGD 661
1 day
Blanqueamiento Dental, kit de aplicación en casa
SGD 240 - SGD 267 SGD 367
1 day
Extracción (quirúrgica o complicada)
SGD 133 - SGD 267 SGD 750
Extracción (Simple)
SGD 107 - SGD 120 SGD 233
1 day
SGD 333 - SGD 400 SGD 1,200
1 day
Limpieza Dental Regular
SGD 67 - SGD 80 SGD 169
1 day
Limpieza profunda (por cuadrante)
SGD 80 - SGD 107 SGD 267
1 day
Relleno de Resina (2 superficies)
SGD 93 - SGD 120 SGD 200
1 day
Relleno de Resina (3 superficies)
SGD 107 - SGD 160 SGD 227
1 day
6. Diagnósticos
Examen Inicial / Consulta
SGD 40 SGD 240
1 day
Radiografía simple (de mordida o periapical)
SGD 9 - SGD 13 SGD 47
Rayos X Panorámicos
SGD 40 SGD 187
1 day
TC / rayos X en 3D
SGD 533 SGD 667
1 day
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