Perfect 32 se encuentra en Bangalore, India y provee un ambiente agradable para pacientes locales e internacionales que buscan cuidados dentales de la mejor calidad.
Perfect 32 se encuentra en Bangalore, India y provee un ambiente agradable para pacientes locales e internacionales que buscan cuidados dentales de la mejor calidad.
Sabemos y entendemos tu temor por la visita al dentista, especialmente si has viajado al exterior. Así que, a tu llegada a Perfect 32, serás recibido por el coordinador de la clínica que te dará la bienvenida con una sonrisa y una actitud positiva para tranquilizarte. Después de registrarte, te haremos una radiografía OPG y serás atendido por el odontólogo.
Con la ayuda de una cámara intraoral, tu dentista responderá a todas tus preguntas, dudas o cualquier otra consulta que tengas con respecto al tratamiento y te preparará un plan diseñado para ti y un presupuesto detallado de los costos.
Nuestra clínica está equipada con la última tecnología terapéutica y de diagnóstico para brindarte un tratamiento de la más alta calidad y te retires feliz con una hermosa sonrisa.
Tener los dientes perfectos puede ser algo demasiado idealista, pero tener una sonrisa perfecta no lo es. En Perfect 32 estamos creando miles y miles de sonrisas perfectas y deseamos ayudarte a conseguir una sonrisa que transmita confianza, atracción y paz interior.
Tratamiento | Precio | Duración |
Injerto óseo (pequeño) | SGD 77 SGD 2,002 |
Tratamiento | Precio | Duración |
Carilla de Porcelana | SGD 155 SGD 1,983 | 4 days |
Corona Completa de Porcelana / Cerámica | SGD 147 SGD 1,401 | 4 days |
Corona de Porcelana Fundida sobre Metal (aleación estándar) | SGD 155 SGD 1,335 | 4 days |
Corona de Porcelana Fundida sobre Metal (aleación preciosa) | SGD 155 SGD 1,735 | 4 days |
Corona de Zirconio | SGD 309 SGD 2,136 | 4 days |
Tratamiento | Precio | Duración |
Dentadura Completa, Dientes de Porcelana (superior o inferior)Additional NotesIf extractions are first required, you will need to have an immediate or healing denture placed to allow the gums/extraction sites to heal prior to placement of the permanent denture. | SGD 232 SGD 2,936 | 6 - 14 days |
Tratamiento | Precio | Duración |
Endodoncia (cualquier diente)Additional NotesRoot canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. For a root canal and temporary crown/filling 3 days are required. For a root canal treatment including the post & core build up and permanent crown restoration, 4 days are required. Root canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. Inquire further for your case. | SGD 93 SGD 1,585 | 3 - 4 days |
Endodoncia (diente anterior)Additional NotesRoot canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. For a root canal and temporary crown/filling 3 days are required. For a root canal treatment including the post & core build up and permanent crown restoration, 4 days are required. Root canal treatment time can vary based on prescence of infection on the tooth. Inquire further for your case. | SGD 62 SGD 1,068 | 3 - 4 days |
Tratamiento | Precio | Duración |
Blanqueamiento Dental LáserAdditional NotesLaser teeth whitening usually takes about 1-2 hours to complete, and most patients experience a change a 7-9 shades in tooth coloration. | SGD 387 SGD 662 | 1 day |
Blanqueamiento Dental, kit de aplicación en casaAdditional NotesImpressions for whitening trays can be done in one day, and in most cases, the kit finished same-day. Inquire further for your case. | SGD 15 SGD 367 | 1 day |
Extracción (quirúrgica o complicada)Additional NotesComplicated or surgical extractions can usually be completed in one visit. Consultation is first required. Should you require commencement of antibiotics prior to extraction, require many extractions, or require cessation of blood thinning medication, your care may require several visits. Follow up(s) for check-up of healing and/or removal of sutures may be required. Inquire further for your case. | SGD 70 SGD 751 | 1 - 2 days |
Extracción (Simple)Additional NotesSimple extractions can usually be completed in one visit. Should you require commencement of antibiotics prior to extraction, require many extractions, or require cessation of blood thinning medication, your care may require several visits. Inquire further for your case. | SGD 15 SGD 234 | 1 day |
Limpieza Dental RegularAdditional NotesRegular teeth cleaning can be completed in one appoinment. | SGD 23 SGD 169 | 1 day |
Limpieza profunda (por cuadrante)Additional NotesPeriodontal deep cleaning, scaling & root planing can usually be completed in one day. You may need to split this treatment into multiple visits based on the extent of your care and the availability of the periodontist. Inquire further for your case. | SGD 46 SGD 267 | 1 day |
Relleno de ResinaAdditional NotesFillings can usually be done in one appointment. If many fillings are required, several hours of treatment may be required. For your comfort, you may wish to divide treatment into several visits, or the clinical schedule may require such. Inquire further for your case. | SGD 15 - SGD 23 SGD 269 | 1 day |
Relleno de Resina (2 superficies)Additional NotesFillings can usually be done in one appointment. If many fillings are required, several hours of treatment may be required. For your comfort, you may wish to divide treatment into several visits, or the clinical schedule may require such. Inquire further for your case. | SGD 19 SGD 200 | 1 day |
Relleno de Resina (3 superficies)Additional NotesFillings can usually be done in one appointment. If many fillings are required, several hours of treatment may be required. For your comfort, you may wish to divide treatment into several visits, or the clinical schedule may require such. Inquire further for your case. | SGD 23 SGD 227 | 1 day |
Tratamiento | Precio | Duración |
Examen Inicial / Consulta | SGD 8 SGD 240 | 1 day |
Radiografía simple (de mordida o periapical) | SGD 3 SGD 47 | 1 day |
Rayos X Panorámicos | SGD 23 SGD 187 | 1 day |