A propos Montana Dental Clinic

Offering same-day treatments and specializing in general and cosmetic dentistry, Montana Dental Clinic in Juarez has been serving patients from Mexico and the US for more than 30 years.

Montana Dental Clinic promises an excellent destination only a short drive to the US-Mexico border, with Cuidad Juarez conveniently linked to El Paso, Texas across the Rio Grande River. This makes it a particularly popular choice for patients based in New Mexico, South Texas, or further afield who are seeking more affordable dental care in Mexico.

Thanks to its own on-site laboratory, this clinic is able to deliver a range of same-day treatments, including porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, zirconium crowns, and implants.

Often, patients must wait several days after an initial appointment, returning a second time once the materials required as part of their treatment have been manufactured off-site. However, at Montana Dental Clinic, these services can be completed on the same day, meaning you’ll need only one trip to complete the work.


Specialists at Montana Dental Clinic include Dr. Juan Cardoso, certified by the Mexican Council of Periodontics and a member of the Mexican Association of Periodontology, and Dr. Michelle G. Lang, a specialist in maxillofacial prosthesis and dental oncology.

The clinic’s areas of specialty encompass maxillofacial surgery, periodontics, orthodontics, endodontics, and pediatric dentistry.


Some of the most popular services available at Montana Dental Clinic are:

Cosmetic Treatments

- Porcelain veneers

- Teeth whitening

- Bonding

- Zirconium crowns

Other Treatments

- Fillings

- Immediate and partial dentures

- Dental bridges

- Dental implants

- Extractions

- Gum disease treatment

- Root canal therapy

- Orthodontics

- Dental oncology

How to Schedule an Appointment

Booking with Dental Departures ensures you are quoted the best prices online, as well as 24/7 customer support while you’re in Mexico. Schedule an appointment at Montana Dental Clinic through our site or reach out to the Dental Departures Customer Care Team for more information.

Soins Dentaires et Tarfis

1. Procédures implantaires
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Couronne d'implant standard (y compris pilier)
USD 570 USD 3,850
Implant dentaire en titane standard (implant uniquement)
USD 750 - USD 850 USD 2,200
Implant en Titane (Avec pilier et couronne standard)
USD 1,150 USD 3,900
2. Couronnes\Facette
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Couronne en porcelaine avec armature en métal (alliage standard)
USD 300
2 days
Couronne en porcelaine\Couronne en céramique
USD 420 USD 1,050
2 days
Couronne en Zirconium
USD 350 - USD 420 USD 1,600
2 days
Facette dentaire en composite
USD 180 - USD 200 USD 250
1 day
Facette dentaire en Zirconium
USD 450 - USD 500 USD 1,486
2 days
Placage de Zircone
USD 450 - USD 500 USD 1,400
2 days
Porcelaine Fusionnée à la Couronne d'Or
USD 800 USD 1,600
2 days
Porcelaine Fusionnée à la Couronne Métallique (alliage précieux)
USD 450 USD 1,300
2 days
3. Dentier
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Dentier complet, dents en acrylique
USD 380 USD 1,800
1 - 5 days
Dentier partiel, armature en acrylique
USD 250 - USD 300 USD 1,200
2 - 5 days
Dentier partiel, armature en métal
USD 400 - USD 600 USD 1,300
5 days
Dentier partiel, armature flexible
USD 400 - USD 600 USD 1,400
5 days
Partielle temporaire ou Flipper
USD 150 - USD 180 USD 450
1 day
Prothèse complète, Immédiate ou Cicatrisante (supérieure ou inférieure)
USD 300 USD 1,500
1 - 5 days
4. Traitement du canal radiculaire
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Canal radiculaire (dent antérieure)
USD 250 USD 800
1 day
Canal radiculaire (molaire)
USD 300 USD 1,350
1 day
Canal radiculaire (prémolaire)
USD 300 USD 1,150
1 day
USD 150 USD 400
1 day
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Blanchiment des Dents au Laser
USD 300 USD 496
1 day
Blanchiment des Dents, kit à emporter
USD 250 USD 275
1 day
Extraction (chirurgicale ou impactée)
USD 280 USD 563
1 day
Extraction (simple)
USD 80 USD 175
1 day
USD 180 USD 900
1 day
Nettoyage dentaire normal
USD 40 - USD 50 USD 127
1 day
Nettoyage en profondeur, Détartrage & surfaçage radiculaire
USD 120 USD 200
1 day
Remplissage composite (niveau de surface 2)
USD 60 USD 150
1 day
Remplissage composite (niveau de surface 3)
USD 70 USD 170
1 day
6. Diagnostic
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Radio dentaire simple
USD 35 USD 35
1 day
7. Autres procédures
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Garde bouche de nuit (plastique dur)
USD 80 USD 750
1 day
Garde bouche de nuit (plastique souple)
USD 80 USD 600
1 day
8. Orthodontie
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Bretelles Métalliques
USD 1,400
Bretelles Transparentes
USD 1,600
Économisez 70% sur votre nouveau sourire