A propos UniMed Especialidades Puerto Vallarta

UniMed Especialidades, Puerto Vallarta are based in Mexico and provide a variety of dental services, from simple procedures such as teeth whitening through to major surgeries such as dental implants.

UniMed Especialidades, Puerto Vallarta are located in Jalisco, Mexico and are a specialist dental facility that have been delivering first-class dental treatments to international patients for over 12 years now.

Led by Dr. Mijares Gerardo Valles, the clinics team of dental experts provide a wide variety of procedures at affordable prices. Patients can undergo either regular or deep teeth cleaning treatments, have their teeth whitened, have extractions performed or undergo dental fillings.

UniMed also offer a comprehensive range of dental crowns and veneers manufactured from a variety of different materials such as porcelain or zirconia, as well as full or partial dentures and temporary flippers. They also have a number of diagnostic procedures that include panoramic and single x-rays and a full consultation service.

Their highly-qualified dental surgeons also perform complex surgeries such as root canal treatments and a full dental implant procedures. They also fit braces, either clear or metal, and night guards made of hard or soft plastic.

To provide maximum convenience for their patients, UniMed Especialidades fit their clinic opening times around regular working hours. To this end, they are open every weeknight from 5pm until 9pm, and also provide an all-day clinic every Saturday between 8am and 3pm. Patients are also provided with free ground transportation to the airport, a free examination before treatment is agreed and fee drinking water during their visit.

To book an appointment with UniMed Especialidades Puerto Vallarta, or to learn more about their treatments and services, contact the Customer Care Team at Medical Departures now.

Soins Dentaires et Tarfis

1. Procédures implantaires
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Greffe osseuse
SGD 277 - SGD 310 SGD 2,667
Greffe osseuse (petite)
SGD 231 - SGD 264 SGD 2,000
Implant en Titane (Avec pilier et couronne standard)
SGD 1,120 - SGD 1,318 SGD 5,200
Prothèse Supportée par des Implants, amovible (avec 4 implants)
SGD 1,318 SGD 16,401
2. Couronnes\Facette
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Couronne en porcelaine avec armature en métal (alliage standard)
SGD 231 - SGD 264 SGD 1,333
3 - 5 days
Couronne en porcelaine\Couronne en céramique
SGD 264 - SGD 310 SGD 1,400
3 - 5 days
Couronne en Zirconium
SGD 283 - SGD 329 SGD 2,133
3 - 5 days
Couronne\facette temporaire
SGD 33 - SGD 46 SGD 200
1 day
Facette dentaire en Zirconium
SGD 264 - SGD 296 SGD 1,981
5 days
Placage de Zircone
SGD 283 - SGD 316 SGD 1,867
5 days
Porcelaine Fusionnée à la Couronne Métallique (alliage précieux)
SGD 264 - SGD 329 SGD 1,733
3 - 5 days
3. Dentier
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Dentier complet, dents en acrylique
SGD 329 - SGD 461 SGD 2,400
7 days
Dentier partiel, armature en acrylique
SGD 217 - SGD 283 SGD 1,600
7 days
Dentier partiel, armature en métal
SGD 184 - SGD 250 SGD 1,733
7 days
Dentier partiel, armature flexible
SGD 257 - SGD 323 SGD 1,867
7 days
Partielle temporaire ou Flipper
SGD 79 - SGD 99 SGD 600
1 day
Prothèse complète, Dents en Porcelaine (supérieure ou inférieure)
SGD 395 - SGD 527 SGD 2,933
7 days
Prothèse complète, Immédiate ou Cicatrisante (supérieure ou inférieure)
SGD 329 - SGD 461 SGD 2,000
7 days
4. Traitement du canal radiculaire
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Canal radiculaire (dent antérieure)
SGD 165 - SGD 231 SGD 1,067
2 - 4 days
Canal radiculaire (molaire)
SGD 165 - SGD 231 SGD 1,800
2 - 4 days
Canal radiculaire (n'importe quelle dent)
SGD 165 - SGD 231 SGD 1,583
2 - 4 days
Canal radiculaire (prémolaire)
SGD 165 - SGD 231 SGD 1,533
2 - 4 days
SGD 99 - SGD 132 SGD 533
1 day
Traitement du canal radiculaire (y compris post / noyau et couronne standard)
SGD 428 - SGD 560 SGD 13,921
4 days
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
Blanchiment des Dents, kit à emporter
SGD 79 - SGD 99 SGD 367
1 day
Extraction (chirurgicale ou impactée)
SGD 165 - SGD 198 SGD 750
1 day
Extraction (simple)
SGD 33 - SGD 43 SGD 233
1 day
SGD 231 - SGD 250 SGD 1,200
1 day
Nettoyage dentaire normal
SGD 33 - SGD 40 SGD 169
1 day
Nettoyage en profondeur, Détartrage & surfaçage radiculaire
SGD 16 - SGD 23 SGD 267
1 day
Remplissage composite (niveau de surface 2)
SGD 23 - SGD 30 SGD 200
1 day
Remplissage composite (niveau de surface 3)
SGD 30 - SGD 40 SGD 227
1 day
6. Diagnostic
Soins DentairesPrixDurée
SGD 23 - SGD 30 SGD 240
1 day
Radio dentaire simple
SGD 20 SGD 47
1 day
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