About DentiCentro

DentiCentro provides high-quality dental services in Tecate. Established for over 7 years and we deliver a full range of general and specialist care, including root canals, to adults and children.

DentiCentro is a full service dental clinic based in Tecate. We provide a wide range of dental treatments and services to maintain your teeth’s health and beauty.

We have been in business for more than 7 years, providing our patients with effective treatments using cutting-edge equipment and the most up-to-date techniques. The foundation of our services is based on preventative care in order to maintain dental health.

Our team of dentists are highly-skilled and deliver excellent general and specialist dentistry. Founder and owner of DentiCentro, Dr del Refugio Fraga Ibarra specializes in permanent prosthetics and nuerofacial dentistry, and she has also obtained a degree in Rehabilitation.

Dr Gaston Castro is a specialist in endodontics, regularly attending conferences, summits and courses about his speciality, and Dr Francisco G Romero is a graduate of the University of New York, working in the Brooklyn and Manhattan areas before returning to Mexico to work with dental orthopedics in adults, teenagers and children.

You can rely on our dentists to deliver the best possible results on your dental care, whether you are having a simple cleaning, or a full mouth rehabilitation. We use the latest technologies, maintain clean and hygienic surroundings with ISO 9001:2008 certification, and provide you with a calming, friendly environment in which to undergo your dental care.

Choose to improve your dental health with our top-class facilities at DentiCentro. Please get in touch for further information about our services, or to as us any questions about your own dental care.

Prices and Procedures

1. Implant Procedures
Bone graft (large)
SGD 1,138 SGD 2,678
Bone graft (small)
SGD 603 SGD 2,008
Mini Implant
SGD 736 SGD 1,473
Sinus lifting
SGD 1,205 SGD 5,356
Standard Implant Crown (including abutment)
SGD 536 SGD 5,155
1 day
Standard Titanium Dental Implant (implant only)
SGD 1,473 SGD 2,946
1 day
Titanium Dental Implant (including abutment and standard crown)
SGD 2,008 SGD 5,222
2. Crowns/Veneers
Composite Veneer (direct bonding)
SGD 167 SGD 335
1 - 2 days
Full Porcelain/Ceramic Crown
SGD 469 SGD 1,406
1 - 2 days
Porcelain Fused to Gold Crown
SGD 736 SGD 2,142
1 - 2 days
Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown (precious alloy)
SGD 603 SGD 1,741
1 - 2 days
Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown (standard alloy)
SGD 335 SGD 1,339
1 - 2 days
Porcelain Veneer
SGD 335 SGD 1,989
1 day
Temporary Crown/Veneer
SGD 67 SGD 201
1 day
Zirconia Crown
SGD 603 SGD 2,142
1 - 2 days
Zirconia Veneer
SGD 536 SGD 1,875
1 day
3. Dentures
Full Denture, Acrylic Teeth (upper or lower)
SGD 536 SGD 2,410
1 day
Full Denture, Immediate or Healing (upper or lower)
SGD 402 SGD 2,008
1 day
Partial Denture, Acrylic Frame
SGD 402 SGD 1,607
1 day
Partial Denture, Flexible Frame
SGD 402 - SGD 603 SGD 1,875
1 day
Partial Denture, Metal Frame
SGD 469 SGD 1,741
1 day
Temporary Partial or Flipper
SGD 201 - SGD 402 SGD 603
1 day
4. Root Canal Treatment
Post/Core Build-up
SGD 402 SGD 536
1 day
Root canal (molar)
SGD 402 SGD 1,808
1 - 2 days
Root canal (anterior tooth)
SGD 268 SGD 1,071
1 - 2 days
Root canal (premolar)
SGD 335 SGD 1,540
1 - 2 days
Root Canal Treatment (including post/core & standard crown)
SGD 736 SGD 2,946
5. Cleaning, Whitening, Fillings & Extractions
Composite Filling
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Additional Notes

Se utilizan de diferentes tipos de recinas fluidas, nanohibridas, de diferentes marcas para cada tipo de restauracion según se requiera la pieza a restaurar Se utilizan de diferentes tipos de recinas fluidas, nanohibridas, de diferentes marcas para cada tipo de restauracion según se requiera la pieza a restaurar

SGD 67 SGD 270
1 day
Composite Filling (1 surface)
SGD 67 SGD 174
1 day
Composite Filling (2 surface)
SGD 107 SGD 201
Composite Filling (3 surface)
SGD 134 SGD 228
1 day
Deep Cleaning, Scaling & Root Planing (per quadrant)
SGD 234 SGD 268
1 day
Extraction (simple)
SGD 67 SGD 234
1 day
Extraction (surgical or impacted)
SGD 268 SGD 753
Laser Teeth Whitening
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Additional Notes

Manejamos varias marcas de blanqueamentos, domiciliario y para el consultorio y tambien los que se combinan (consultorio y casa)

SGD 268 SGD 664
1 day
Regular Teeth Cleaning
SGD 67 SGD 170
1 day
Teeth Whitening, take home kit
SGD 268 SGD 368
6. Diagnostics
Initial Examination/Consultation
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Additional Notes

Contamos con camara intraoral y radriografias digitales periapicales de aleta de mordida, oclusales y el aparato Rx

SGD 67 SGD 241
1 day
Single X-Ray (bitewing or periapical)
SGD 20 SGD 47
1 day
7. Other Procedures
IV Sedation (by anesthesiologist)
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Additional Notes

In case required, we have our won anesthesiologist.

Night guard (hard plastic)
SGD 402 SGD 1,004
1 - 2 days
Night guard (soft plastic)
SGD 268 SGD 803
1 - 2 days
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