DentiCentro provides high-quality dental services in Tecate. Established for over 7 years and we deliver a full range of general and specialist care, including root canals, to adults and children.
Procedure | Price | Duration |
Bone graft (large) | SGD 1,138 SGD 2,678 | |
Bone graft (small) | SGD 603 SGD 2,008 | |
Mini Implant | SGD 736 SGD 1,473 | |
Sinus lifting | SGD 1,205 SGD 5,356 | |
Standard Implant Crown (including abutment) | SGD 536 SGD 5,155 | 1 day |
Standard Titanium Dental Implant (implant only) | SGD 1,473 SGD 2,946 | 1 day |
Titanium Dental Implant (including abutment and standard crown) | SGD 2,008 SGD 5,222 |
Procedure | Price | Duration |
Composite Veneer (direct bonding) | SGD 167 SGD 335 | 1 - 2 days |
Full Porcelain/Ceramic Crown | SGD 469 SGD 1,406 | 1 - 2 days |
Porcelain Fused to Gold Crown | SGD 736 SGD 2,142 | 1 - 2 days |
Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown (precious alloy) | SGD 603 SGD 1,741 | 1 - 2 days |
Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown (standard alloy) | SGD 335 SGD 1,339 | 1 - 2 days |
Porcelain Veneer | SGD 335 SGD 1,989 | 1 day |
Temporary Crown/Veneer | SGD 67 SGD 201 | 1 day |
Zirconia Crown | SGD 603 SGD 2,142 | 1 - 2 days |
Zirconia Veneer | SGD 536 SGD 1,875 | 1 day |
Procedure | Price | Duration |
Full Denture, Acrylic Teeth (upper or lower) | SGD 536 SGD 2,410 | 1 day |
Full Denture, Immediate or Healing (upper or lower) | SGD 402 SGD 2,008 | 1 day |
Partial Denture, Acrylic Frame | SGD 402 SGD 1,607 | 1 day |
Partial Denture, Flexible Frame | SGD 402 - SGD 603 SGD 1,875 | 1 day |
Partial Denture, Metal Frame | SGD 469 SGD 1,741 | 1 day |
Temporary Partial or Flipper | SGD 201 - SGD 402 SGD 603 | 1 day |
Procedure | Price | Duration |
Post/Core Build-up | SGD 402 SGD 536 | 1 day |
Root canal (molar) | SGD 402 SGD 1,808 | 1 - 2 days |
Root canal (anterior tooth) | SGD 268 SGD 1,071 | 1 - 2 days |
Root canal (premolar) | SGD 335 SGD 1,540 | 1 - 2 days |
Root Canal Treatment (including post/core & standard crown) | SGD 736 SGD 2,946 |
Procedure | Price | Duration |
Composite FillingAdditional NotesSe utilizan de diferentes tipos de recinas fluidas, nanohibridas, de diferentes marcas para cada tipo de restauracion según se requiera la pieza a restaurar Se utilizan de diferentes tipos de recinas fluidas, nanohibridas, de diferentes marcas para cada tipo de restauracion según se requiera la pieza a restaurar | SGD 67 SGD 270 | 1 day |
Composite Filling (1 surface) | SGD 67 SGD 174 | 1 day |
Composite Filling (2 surface) | SGD 107 SGD 201 | |
Composite Filling (3 surface) | SGD 134 SGD 228 | 1 day |
Deep Cleaning, Scaling & Root Planing (per quadrant) | SGD 234 SGD 268 | 1 day |
Extraction (simple) | SGD 67 SGD 234 | 1 day |
Extraction (surgical or impacted) | SGD 268 SGD 753 | |
Laser Teeth WhiteningAdditional NotesManejamos varias marcas de blanqueamentos, domiciliario y para el consultorio y tambien los que se combinan (consultorio y casa) | SGD 268 SGD 664 | 1 day |
Regular Teeth Cleaning | SGD 67 SGD 170 | 1 day |
Teeth Whitening, take home kit | SGD 268 SGD 368 |
Procedure | Price | Duration |
Initial Examination/ConsultationAdditional NotesContamos con camara intraoral y radriografias digitales periapicales de aleta de mordida, oclusales y el aparato Rx | SGD 67 SGD 241 | 1 day |
Single X-Ray (bitewing or periapical) | SGD 20 SGD 47 | 1 day |
Procedure | Price | Duration |
IV Sedation (by anesthesiologist)Additional NotesIn case required, we have our won anesthesiologist. | SGD | |
Night guard (hard plastic) | SGD 402 SGD 1,004 | 1 - 2 days |
Night guard (soft plastic) | SGD 268 SGD 803 | 1 - 2 days |